Asking Questions and Placing Bets.

The Artist and the Investor are closely related. 

The common connection is that investors invest money into works of art.

When looking at the artist's journey from an investment stance, an artist invests time into their craft like it’s an investment opportunity. One of high risk. The hope is that maybe 10 - 20 years down the line, the investment has paid off and they are successful.  

To do this, a good artist must know their place within the world. To understand the Zeitgeist so they can see where they sit within the wider context in the history of art. It also helps them to know on a deeper level what it is they wish to say about the world and through what tools and contexts they choose to do so.

A good investor must also know their place within the world. To understand the Zeitgeist so they can make good judgements on what the future might hold and where the human race is heading. Finding future problems to new present day solutions.

Both sides are at the pinnacle of observation. They are watching the Zeitgeist. One side is questioning it, and the other is placing bets on it.

Oscar Wilde said "When bankers get together they talk about art. When artists get together, they talk about money." 

It makes sense in a way why we are connected. The Zeitgeist is our thread that pulls both sides together. 

This then made me think about myself as an artist. I live in a time where the everyday person can now invest money into the stock markets. As I take the high risk journey to become a successful artist, I can also invest my money. 

Art, money, and the zeitgeist are my tools. I might as well try to utilise all three. 


Existing through absence.


Mirrors in the field.